
Friday, June 14, 2013

Bye, American High School

June 12 was my last day as an Oxford student. I'll be back on campus during the summer for a college admissions class and it's not like I'll be far away since I live across the street... But anyways, I made it! I'm done with Oxford Academy. After five years of uniform, I don't know how I'm going to live my life in "free dress."

Now I have to finish English and Gov during the summer and then I'll really be done with high school. I'm so excited.

Here's a slideshow of some of the pictures I took on the last few days of school. ~

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last Day of Cluster

June 2011

June 2013

June 2011
June 2013
We've been in the same cluster for five years now and it's pretty sad that these are our only group pictures together. I wish we had one from seventh grade, that would have been so cute.

Anyways, this Friday was my last Friday of high school. Weird.

Two months left!